Latinos will help determine Chicago’s next mayor

Every poll published thus far points to Latino’s growing power in Chicago

March 11, 2019

CHICAGO – For the first time in the history of Chicago, two women of color are facing off for the top executive seat in City Hall. Given that the Latino community is the largest minority group in Chicago, there is no doubt Latinos will have a significant say in who that Mayor will be. Despite the obvious strength in numbers, Latinos continue to be severely underrepresented at all levels of City government. A recent survey conducted by the the Latino Caucus surveyed a number of City departments for leadership and employment demographics, and the results continue to disappoint. Only 19% of Chicago’s municipal workforce is Latino, and a unacceptable 2% are in decision making roles.

 “To truly reform our city, we need to be mindful and inclusive of the Latino community. As the largest minority group in Chicago, it is vital that the new administration taps into the Latino talent pipeline and make Latino representation at all levels of government a priority,” said Alderman Villegas, Chairman of the Latino Caucus. 

 As we enter the final stage of electing our next Mayor, the Latino Caucus is asking both candidates to commit to making Latino inclusiveness in municipal leadership roles, key government positions, and certainly within her cabinet. 

 “Chicago’s leadership must mirror the make-up of its constituencies, the next Mayor must not turn a blind eye to Chicago’s current and evolving demographics,” said Alderman….

 “Latinos represent approximately 1/3 of our population and only 2% of leadership or decision making roles for City government, this is not acceptable,” said Alderman… “Our leadership must represent those we are priviledged to serve.  The next Mayor of our great city can and must have a positive impact in the short and near term.”

 The City Council’s Latino Caucus includes 12 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chairman Villegas, the Caucus includes Ald. Joe Moreno (1), Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza (10), Ald. George Cardenas (12), Ald. Raymond Lopez (15), Ald. Ricardo Muñoz (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Daniel Solis (25), Ald. Roberto Maldonado (26), Ald. Ariel Reboyras (30), Ald. Milly Santiago (31) and Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus.


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