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Chicago Latino Caucus Statement on the Passage of the Laken Riley Act

January 23, 2025

CHICAGO – The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus stands united in opposition to the Laken Riley Act, a dangerous and unjust law that undermines the very foundation of our nation’s commitment to fairness and due process. By allowing the deportation of individuals merely accused of a crime—without a conviction—this legislation sets a dangerous precedent and disproportionately targets immigrant communities, creating fear and instability across the country.

We are deeply disappointed by Senator Gallego’s support of this legislation, especially given his participation as our keynote speaker at the Chicago Latino Caucus Gala last year. His vote in favor of this bill represents a betrayal of the trust our community placed in him.

This legislation is part of a broader pattern of policies emanating from the Trump administration that target vulnerable communities, particularly immigrants, and seek to divide our nation. These attacks are not isolated; they are part of a systemic effort to erode protections, dehumanize individuals, and strip away rights.

In the face of these challenges, we remain steadfast in our commitment to protect and uplift immigrant families in Chicago. Our city is a beacon of hope for so many who come here seeking safety, opportunity, and a better life. We will not waver in our fight to ensure that all residents, regardless of immigration status, feel supported, respected, and safe.

While we acknowledge the pain and disappointment caused by this legislation, we also recognize the resilience and strength of our communities. Now is the time to build solidarity—not just within immigrant communities but across all groups impacted by these unjust policies. Together, through organizing, advocacy, and collective action, we can resist these attacks and create a future rooted in justice and equity.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus reaffirms our unwavering commitment to stand with immigrants and all those affected by these policies. Our solidarity is our strength, and together, we will continue to fight for the dignity and humanity of all people.

The following alders on the Chicago City Council Latino Caucus signed onto this statement:

Ald. Daniel LaSpata - 1st Ward
Ald. Julia Ramirez - 12th Ward
Ald. Jeylu Gutierrez - 14th Ward
Ald. Michael Rodriguez - 22nd Ward
Ald. Byron Sigcho Lopez - 25th Ward
Ald. Jessie Fuentes - 26th Ward
Ald. Ruth Cruz - 30th Ward
Ald. Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez - 33rd Ward


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Chicago Latino Caucus Statement in Support of Vision Zero Legislation

January 8, 2025

CHICAGO – For over a decade Chicago has talked about Vision Zero, the goal of zero traffic fatalities; meanwhile we have never had fewer than one hundred traffic-related deaths in a calendar year. It is time to stop treating Vision Zero like a utopian ideal and more like the realistic goal that many municipalities–including Evanston, IL–have achieved.

In July, Alderman La Spata along with caucus members Cruz and Vasquez introduced three pieces of legislation that will help Chicago reach its goal of Vision Zero. The first proposes to lower Chicago's default speed limit from thirty to twenty-five miles per hour, bringing us into alignment with cities like Oak Park and Evanston, but also peer cities like Minneapolis and New York. Among myriad studies, New York's Department of Transportation has confirmed that reducing their speed limit in 2014 alone has resulted in a 23% reduction in traffic fatalities.

We also know that Chicagoans have viewed past attempts to reduce driving speeds with mistrust because of the racial inequities experienced in our enforcement. The lack of transparency in our revenue, the racial disparities in who receives citations, and the lack of improvements made to dangerous intersections have made many Chicagoans view speed enforcement more as a cash grab than a public safety concern. The second piece of legislation is a resolution calling for an interdepartmental working group that will propose reforms to enforcement and revenue policies accompanying any reduction in the speed limit.

The third piece of legislation is an ordinance establishing a resident-based enforcement model by which Chicagoans could submit visual evidence of bus and bike lane blockages through 311, resulting in a variation of warnings and citations depending on the type of vehicle. When our bus and bike infrastructure is blocked by private vehicles they become useless at best and dangerous at worst. We also know that our current enforcement policies fail to address these behaviors.

Traffic-related injuries and deaths are not grounded in accidents, but intentions. Our streets, sidewalks and speeds are hazardous by design. Every death, every major injury, finds its foundation in active policy and infrastructure choices that led to the loss of those lives. The good news is that we have the power to un-make those choices in ways that bring more of our neighbors home. Vision Zero is a path made through both/and decisions. Policy and planning. Evidence-based design and equitable implementation. As such, we support these three pieces of legislation that will lead to a safer Chicago for all.


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Chicago Latino Caucus Calls Upon the Johnson Administration to End the 60-Day Migrant Exit Policy

June 17, 2024

CHICAGO – On June 10th, the City’s new arrival shelters began to evict families with children from its shelters, in accordance with the Mayor Johnson’s 60-day Limited Stay Policy, which held off on evicting this population en masse until the school year ended. With an uptick in reports of new arrivals sheltering in parks and on the streets, we need answers regarding the ways in which the combined money for fiscal year 2024 from the City, State and County– $230M, $182M, and $70M respectively– are being used.

City Council approved the extra $70M from the reserve fund balance in April of this year on top of the $150M budgeted for FY24 because the Johnson Administration gave its commitment in preventing unnecessary homelessness and displacement of new arrivals. In addition, the City applied on Wednesday for an additional $34.1M of FEMA Shelter and Services Program monies to keep up with operational costs.

The Latino Caucus is disappointed to see the underutilization of the new arrival shelters– only 6,937 beds currently filled of the 15,000 that the three municipalities had committed to operating through the end of 2024. The latest information we have received from the Department of Family Support Services states that as of 6/13/24 the city has 806 single adult male beds available, 206 single adult female beds available, and 3,256 family beds available.

We believe that since the City has the capacity to house new arrivals, it should do so with the budget allocations we agreed upon without subjecting them, especially families with kids, to the humiliating and traumatizing experience of repeated eviction. It is clear that the majority, 57%, of those evicted from shelters are still in desperate need of assistance– of the 970 individuals who have been evicted, 554 have returned to the Landing Zone, awaiting placement back into the shelter system. Evicting people to the streets who have no support or resources does not create “self sufficiency” and is counter to the Mayor’s declared commitment to investing in people.

The members of the Chicago Latino Caucus call upon the Johnson Administration to:

● End it’s 60 day Limited Stay Policy to account for drops in new arrivals and create more humane extension periods

● Begin to track and report the destinations for new arrivals who have been evicted

● Brief the Latino Caucus on the City/State/County migrant mission plan including the DNC/summer surge contingency plan

● Update the New Arrivals Mission Cost Dashboard with projected spending through end of year

This moment requires responsible and principled leadership that centers those who are marginalized and in need of help. Mayor Johnson has shown it in the past, we need him to show it now.


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Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Stands Behind the Nomination of Angel Rubi Navarijo to the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability

May 15, 2024

CHICAGO - The City Council’s Police and Fire Committee advanced six of the seven nominations made by Mayor Brandon Johnson to serve on the Community Commission for Public Safety and Accountability that will oversee the Chicago Police Department as part of a new era for the law enforcement agency.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus is extremely disappointed to see the only Latino candidate nomination, Angel Rubi Navarijo, held up by members of this committee. As a DACA recipient and devoted public servant, Angel is incredibly qualified to serve this four-year term. He went through a rigorous vetting process to make it to this point of recommendation. The City of Chicago Law Department, the Nominating Committee, and the Mayor's Office all determined there were no conflicts of interest and he was the best candidate for the position.

We stand behind Angel Rubi Navarijo’s candidacy and urge all members of the Police and Fire Committee to immediately move his nomination forward.


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Statement by Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Commending Mayor Brandon Johnson on Promoting Dr. Christina Pacione-Zayas to Chief of Staff

April 3, 2024

CHICAGO - On behalf of the Chicago City Council Latino Caucus, we commend Mayor Brandon Johnson for promoting Dr. Christina Pacione-Zayas to the important role of Chief of Staff. In this important role, Dr. Pacione-Zayas will help to oversee vital administrative functions, policy and intergovernmental affairs. This is a great step for Latino parity in top leadership of the future Mayor’s Office.

In April 2023, Pacione-Zayas was hired to be the First Deputy Chief of Staff for Mayor Johnson. She was appointed to the State Senate in 2020 to replace Iris Martinez, who vacated the Northwest Side seat after being elected Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County. Dr. Pacione-Zayas was then elected to the Senate in 2022. She previously held education policy roles at various nonprofits and was a co-chair of the Puerto Rican Agenda, a consortium of Puerto Rican community groups centered in Humboldt Park.

With Dr. Pacione-Zayas invaluable experience, she will help to build a city administration rooted in excellence and inclusion thereby lifting-up residents, strengthening our public schools, and fostering safer communities. We thank Dr. Pacione Zayas for saying yes to this challenging and fundamental role and we look forward to collaborating in making our city better together.

The City Council Latino Caucus includes 15 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chair Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33) and Vice-Chair Andre Vasquez (40), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Peter Chico (10), Ald. Julia Ramirez (12), Ald. Jeylú Gutiérrez (14), Ald. Michael D. Rodriguez (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Jessie Fuentes (26), Ald. Ruth Cruz (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), and Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus and Latino Caucus Foundation.


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The following is a statement from The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus on the 60 Day Shelter Eviction Policy

March 16, 2024

CHICAGO - Today, Mayor Johnson’s administration announced that they will move forward with their 60 Day Shelter Eviction Policy. Beginning this Sunday and by the end of April, as many as 2,026 people will be evicted from city shelters, losing the only roof they have over their heads. While our caucus acknowledges this unprecedented challenge has no ideal solutions, we do not believe anyone should be evicted from city shelters without a path to permanent housing. Put simply, we do not support increasing Chicago’s un-housed population.

Our caucus recognizes recent updates to the 60 day policy spare a majority of current shelter residents from eviction, including shelter residents who qualify for state-funded housing, are under threat of domestic violence, children under 18, and families in response to our ongoing advocacy around this issue. These updates will ensure that children enrolled in our Chicago Public Schools are able to finish the school year uninterrupted. What we don’t yet know is what will happen to those same children once the school year ends if their families do not find permanent housing prior to June 10, 2024.

We know that this crisis is largely the result of inaction by the Federal government, which unfairly decides what populations are supported when they are admitted to the United States and which aren’t. No one wants to make their home in a shelter. New arrivals want to work and contribute to our economy, find a home, and rebuild their lives here in our great city – they just need some grace and support as they make their way and get their footing, as any of us would need in a similar situation.

After the challenges created by policy at the Federal level, a need for more funding at the state level, and now a 60 Day policy that will increase our city’s un-housed population, the Latino Caucus demands the following:

1. Increased transparency, communication, and partnership from the Johnson administration so that we can help in creating solutions, this includes a meeting with our city’s Budget Director to determine what additional funds are needed to prevent anyone from being evicted from city shelters in the coming months;

2. While we work towards ending the 60 day policy, the city provides transportation to the landing zone for individuals who need it and robust case management post eviction.

We can do better and we will do better for our newest Chicagoans as a city. We invite Mayor Johnson to partner with us to do so.


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The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Call for a Ceasefire in Gaza

January 22, 2024

CHICAGO - At least 25,000 Palestinians, approximately two-third being women and children, have been killed in Gaza since October 7 2023. Since October 7, 2023 over 1,200 Israelis have been killed and 240 Israeli hostages were taken by HAMAS. The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus stands with members of the Chicago City Council in support of the United Nations Implementation of Resolution 377, known as “Uniting for Peace,” which called an emergency session of the General Assembly which voted in favor of “immediate humanitarian ceasefire”, unconditional release of all hostages, and humanitarian access in Gaza. We invite our colleagues in Chicago’s City Council to support this urgent resolution.

The following alders on the Chicago City Council Latino Caucus signed onto this statement:

Ald. Daniel LaSpata - 1st Ward

Ald. Julia Ramirez - 12th Ward

Ald. Jeylu Gutierrez - 14th Ward

Ald. Michael Rodriguez - 22nd Ward

Ald. Byron Sigcho Lopez - 25th Ward

Ald. Jessie Fuentes - 26th Ward

Ald. Ruth Cruz - 30th Ward

Ald. Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez - 33rd Ward

Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa - 35th Ward

Ald. Andre Vasquez - 40th Ward


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The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Demands More Latino Representation in Top City Leadership

December 23, 2023

CHICAGO – Yesterday, Mayor Brandon Johnson made three city leadership appointments. We are extremely disappointed that once again no Latinos were appointed.

Latinos account for nearly 33% of Chicago’s population. It is imperative that our voice is heard and that top city decision makers reflect the population of those they serve. As the Mayor continues to build out his cabinet, the Latino Caucus, the Chicago Latino Caucus Foundation Leadership Program, and local community leaders stand ready to assist in identifying the many talented Latino professionals within. We are hopeful we can work together with the administration to recommend Latinos for the remaining open positions.


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The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Statement On The Death Of 5-Year-Old New Arrival Child At Pilsen Shelter

December 19, 2023

CHICAGO – We are heartbroken at the tragic death of 5-year-old Jean Carlos Martinez, who was living in the temporary migrant shelter at 2241 S. Halsted Street. Initial reports indicate that the child was suffering from a medical emergency and passed away shortly after arriving at Comer Children's Hospital. Our sincere condolences go to the family of this young child and the City will continue to provide resources to them during this difficult time.

The City of Chicago and the Chicago City Council Latino Caucus feel a deep sense of responsibility to support those coming to our city seeking refuge. We are requesting from the administration a thorough report of this incident and a comprehensive plan of how our migrant neighbors will be provided proper medical attention at all times in the spirit of our values as a sanctuary city.

The City Council Latino Caucus includes 15 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chair Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33) and Vice-Chair Andre Vasquez (40), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Peter Chico (10), Ald. Julia Ramirez (12), Ald. Jeylú Gutiérrez (14), Ald. Michael D. Rodriguez (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Jessie Fuentes (26), Ald. Ruth Cruz (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), and Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus and Latino Caucus Foundation.


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Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Stands Firmly Behind City’s Welcoming City Ordinance

September 14, 2023

Chicago, IL – Today, a member of the Chicago City Council introduced legislation to rollback Chicago’s Welcoming City Ordinance, a policy that has been strengthened over subsequent administrations since first being introduced by Mayor Harold Washington in 1985.

The following is a statement from the Latino Caucus of the Chicago City Council:

No one should be afraid to call 9-1-1 in an emergency – that’s why the Chicago City Council’s Latino Caucus stands firmly behind our city’s Welcoming City Ordinance.

A decade of research has shown that sanctuary policies promote public safety because victims of crime – regardless of their immigration status – are more likely to cooperate with police and report crime.

Rolling back Chicago’s Welcoming City Ordinance would violate the Illinois Trust Act, threaten the progress Chicago has made on the consent decree, and jeopardize the safety of all Chicagoans.

Over one thousand people, including children, are currently sleeping on police station floors. Violating state law to rollback the Welcoming City Ordinance won’t help a single long term resident or new arrival in need of housing. This moment necessitates real solutions rooted in Chicago’s compassionate values and history as a city that welcomes and integrates new arrivals from across the world and our nation.

The City Council Latino Caucus includes 15 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chair Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33) and Vice-Chair Andre Vasquez (40), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Peter Chico (10), Ald. Julia Ramirez (12), Ald. Jeylú Gutiérrez (14), Ald. Michael D. Rodriguez (22), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Jessie Fuentes (26), Ald. Ruth Cruz (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), and Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus and Latino Caucus Foundation.


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Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Advocates for Additional Funding to Support Migrant Housing Concerns

September 11, 2023

CHICAGO – For over a year, Chicago has been extending solidarity with our migrant neighbors seeking asylum in the spirit of our values as a sanctuary city. For the first three months of this administration, the city was opening a shelter every nine days. The City of Chicago and the Chicago City Council Latino Caucus feel a deep sense of responsibility to support those coming to our city seeking refuge.

The decision by the administration to temporarily house migrants in tents as they await shelter space comes at a moment of absolute desperation and overwhelm for our city. The City of Chicago continues to receive over 200 people a day in a clear attempt from Republican leaders to deplete resources of Sanctuary cities, cause chaos and create the conditions for anti-immigrant sentiment to take root.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus has been working hand-in-hand with Mayor Brandon Johnson, his administration, mutual aid networks, and organized communities for months to provide care to our migrant neighbors. Mayor Brandon Johnson and the Latino Caucus do not want our neighbors living in tent encampments, at the airport, in police stations, or park facilities. However, we have been left with no other options without meaningful support coming from State and Federal levels.

We will continue to work with Mayor Johnson’s administration to implement a plan to create more shelter space across the city, use tent base camps to relieve police stations as new arrivals wait for shelter, develop communication with organizations at the border and seek partnership with other municipalities to share in the responsibility.

We need action from our partners at state and federal government and from municipalities across the state to step in and provide support in order to live up to the welcoming values of our state.

This country has full capacity to welcome immigrants if we all open our communities to receive them. We need to provide support and the possibility to work and earn a living in order to contribute to the growth and well being of our communities. The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus is ready to continue to do the work needed to support our new arrivals and we will continue to fight and advocate for the resources needed to keep everyone safe and healthy.

We are so grateful for our communities, our mutual aid networks and non-profit organizations doing this urgent work and we will continue to build solidarity together for a city that cares for everyone.

The City Council Latino Caucus includes 15 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chair Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33) and Vice Chair Andre Vasquez (40), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Peter Chico (10), Ald. Julia Ramirez (12), Ald. Jeylú Gutiérrez (14), Ald. Michael D. Rodriguez (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Jessie Fuentes (26), Ald. Ruth Cruz (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), and Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus and Latino Caucus Foundation.


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Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Outraged at the Supreme Court's Decision to Rescind Affirmative Action

June 29, 2023

CHICAGO – Today, the Supreme Court ruled that race-conscious admissions programs at Harvard and the University of North Carolina are unconstitutional. This latest decision by its conservative supermajority upends decades of progress toward improving racial diversity in higher education and will directly impact students of color.

“This out of touch ruling will have consequences far beyond who gets access to a college education,” said Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez (33), Chair of the Chicago City Council Latino Caucus, “This decision is a painful reminder of how much work we still have and the huge fights ahead of us to achieve equity and justice for our communities.”

The ruling takes our country decades backward, limiting a program that colleges have used to create vibrant, diverse campus communities.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus was created to fight for the well-being and betterment of all Latino residents of Chicago. We call on colleges and universities to find alternative ways to protect diversity, inclusion and access to quality education for everyone. The Chicago Latino Caucus will continue to do its part to ensure every child in Chicago has the support needed to thrive – regardless of who they are.

The City Council Latino Caucus includes 15 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chair Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Peter Chico (10), Ald. Julia Ramirez (12), Ald. Jeylú Gutiérrez (14), Ald. Michael D. Rodriguez (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Jessie Fuentes (26), Ald. Ruth Cruz (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36), and Ald. Andres Vasquez (40). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus and Latino Caucus Foundation.


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The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Outraged at Governor Pritzker's Decision to Pull Noncitizen Healthcare In Illinois

June 16, 2023

CHICAGO – The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) gave notice today that enrollment will be paused for healthcare coverage of Illinois immigrants ages 42-64 under the Health Benefits for Immigrant Adults (HBIA) program. The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus stands with our colleagues at the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus and believe it is inhumane to deny healthcare for noncitizens of Illinois because healthcare is a basic human right.

“This decision will inevitably be at a greater cost to Illinois taxpayers,” said Chair of the Chicago Latino Caucus Rossana Rodriguez Sanchez (33), “This is because noncitizens will more than likely end up in the emergency room since they were denied preventative care.”

As of July 1, noncitizen adults will no longer be able to apply for new health care coverage. Therefore, any noncitizen aged 42 to 64 who has not signed up must do so before July 1.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus was created to fight for the well-being and betterment of all Latino residents of Chicago. The Caucus urges the General Assembly, Governor Pritzker, and HFS to reverse this decision and expand access to healthcare coverage for noncitizens over the age of 19 in Illinois.

The City Council Latino Caucus includes 15 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chair Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez (33), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Peter Chico (10), Ald. Julia Ramirez (12), Ald. Jeylú Gutiérrez (14), Ald. Michael D. Rodriguez (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Jessie Fuentes (26), Ald. Ruth Cruz (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), Ald. Gilbert Villegas (36), and Ald. Andres Vasquez (40). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus and Latino Caucus Foundation.


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The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Urges for Immediate Passage of Illinois SB 1345 Allowing Non Citizens to Vote In Elected School Board Elections

February 21, 2023

CHICAGO, IL - This is a pivotal time for Chicago schools and also a critical time in Chicago’s history. Since 1995, Chicago’s mayor has had control over the city’s public schools. However, the state voted and passed legislation in 2021 to transition this power over to an elected school board in 2024.

In 2024, 11 of the seats would be appointed by the mayor and 10 would be elected. Two years later, in 2026, elections would be held for the 11 appointed seats, leading to a fully-elected board by 2027.

However, the ability to vote and run in school board elections is currently limited to U.S. citizens. Illinois State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) introduced SB1565 in the Senate in February 2022 to allow non-citizens to vote in the school board elections across Illinois.

“Local School Councils allow for non-citizen participation and the bill should follow suit,” said Alderman Gilbert Villegas (36), Chairman of the Chicago City Council Latino Caucus. “When the city receives funding from the federal and state governments, one’s immigration status is not taken into consideration. Not allowing parents who are non-citizens but taking the funding from the federal and state government to fund CPS is akin to taxation without representation.”

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus urges for immediate passage of this bill so the board making imperative decisions about our children’s education and quality of life is fully representative of the true makeup of the public school system.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus was created to fight for the well-being and betterment of all Latino residents of Chicago. The Caucus includes 13 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chairman Gilbert Villegas (36) and Ald. Rossana Rodriguez (33), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza (10), Ald. Anabel Abarca (12), Ald. Michael Rodriguez (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Robert Maldonado (26), Ald. Ariel Reboyras (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), and Ald. Andre Vasquez (40). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus.


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Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Urges the Federal Government to Send Imperative Funding for Migrant Mental Health Resources

December 23, 2022

CHICAGO, IL - On December 2, Rona Matahary Rozo, a 30-year-old migrant from Venezuela, was found dead in a suburban Chicago hotel room she had been housed in since arriving four months ago. Despite her strength to seek a better future in this country, she had been experiencing mental health issues. Similarly, in New York, two migrants also died by suicide in city shelters since September.

Nearly 4,000 migrants, mostly from Venezuela, have been bused to Chicago since August as part of Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s political stunt to protest federal immigration policies. Most migrants endure unthinkable hardships such as sexual abuse, robbery, and hunger during their journey to America. They should be given the highest quality resources available when arriving in any city across the U.S. to serve their physical and mental health needs.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus proudly stands behind Chicago’s welcoming city ordinance and will work to ensure all migrants have the adequate resources to adjust to their new environment, including mental health support. That is why we urge the Federal government to send imperative funding so cities across the country can properly help asylum-seekers.

The City of Chicago and the United States were founded by immigrants, who have traveled from around the world seeking a better life. Not only our city, but our nation, should uphold basic values of family, fairness, and freedom. Immigrants are intrinsically woven into the fabric of this city and we are proud of our history of providing a safe haven for them. Families sent to Chicago will have a chance to provide what any individual would want for their family: peace, shelter and safety.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus was created to fight for the well-being and betterment of all Latino residents of Chicago. The Caucus includes 13 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chairman Gilbert Villegas (36) and Ald. Rossana Rodriguez (33), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza (10), Ald. George Cardenas (12), Ald. Michael Rodriguez (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Robert Maldonado (26), Ald. Ariel Reboyras (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), and Ald. Andre Vasquez (40). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus.

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Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Demands Mayor Lori Lightfoot Call a State of Emergency to Further Protect Migrants and Refugees Arriving in Chicago

October 12, 2022

CHICAGO, IL - So far this year, Chicago has taken in nearly 2,900 migrants due to Texas Governor, Greg Abbot, and other conservative Governors tactic of busing migrants as their effort to criticize the nation’s immigration policies. This systemic pattern of transporting migrants to our city continues and does not seem to be slowing. The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus proudly stands behind Chicago’s welcoming city ordinance and recognizes the work it will take to ensure any immigrant, asylum-seeker, and refugee the adequate resources to adjust to their new environment.

With that, the Chicago City Council Latino Caucus demand Mayor Lori Lightfoot call a state of emergency and follow in the footsteps of other cities and states around the country also facing a massive uptick of migrants. This will give the appropriate city agencies the ability to establish and operate more centers that will provide assistance for arriving asylum seekers including respite, food, medical care, case work services, assessment of settlement options, as well as direct referrals to alternative emergency supports.

The U.S. is currently home to eleven million undocumented immigrants, including half a million who reside in Illinois, of which approximately 300,000 live in Chicago. The City of Chicago and the United States were founded by immigrants, who have traveled from around the world seeking a better life. We should be devoted to the families sent to Chicago to ensure they have a chance to provide what any individual would want for their family: peace, shelter and safety.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus was created to fight for the well-being and betterment of all Latino residents of Chicago. The Caucus includes 13 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chairman Gilbert Villegas (36) and Ald. Rossana Rodriguez (33), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza (10), Ald. George Cardenas (12), Ald. Michael Rodriguez (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Robert Maldonado (26), Ald. Ariel Reboyras (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), and Ald. Andre Vasquez (40). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus.

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Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Disappointed in Court Ruling Against DACA

October 6, 2022

CHICAGO, IL - The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus is disappointed a federal appeals court yesterday said the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy violates U.S. immigration law, dealing a blow to this vital program that provides deportation protection and work permits to nearly 600,000 immigrant Dreamers who lack legal status.

“A decade ago, we welcomed the announcement of DACA and the protections it offered individuals brought to the U.S. as children to apply for temporary protection from deportation,” said Chairman of the Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Gilbert Villegas, 36th Ward Alderman. “But today we are infuriated that a court ruling takes away this vital protection. We need Congress to pass legislation permanently protecting all Dreamers—and not just those who qualify for DACA, but the many others who have lived for years in legal limbo. That is the true solution here.”

Passing legislation permanently protecting our undocumented youth should not be a heavy lift for Congress. The DACA initiative is a proven winner and an unquestionably valuable program with quantifiable, significant, and long-lasting impacts on families, local communities, our economy, and our nation. The uncertainty that undocumented youth is forced to endure is completely unnecessary and Congress should act on the will of the American people in finally doing what is right – passing legislation to create a path to citizenship for dreamers across the U.S.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus is committed to defending Dreamers against these attacks and will stand with these individuals to have their voices heard and fight for a chance to create a better life in the U.S.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus was created to fight for the well-being and betterment of all Latino residents of Chicago. The Caucus includes 13 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chairman Gilbert Villegas (36) and Ald. Rossana Rodriguez (33), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza (10), Ald. George Cardenas (12), Ald. Michael Rodriguez (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Roberto Maldonado (26), Ald. Ariel Reboyras (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), and Ald. Andre Vasquez (40). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus.

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Chicago City Council Latino Caucus calls on the Illinois Supreme Court to Appoint Latino Judge to Upcoming Appellate Court Vacancy

September 14, 2022

CHICAGO, IL - The Chicago Latino Caucus is disappointed with this week’s announcement that the Supreme Court has failed to nominate what would have been the first Latino to serve on our state’s highest court and an opportunity to bring parity to the Appellate Court. While we congratulate Justice Cunningham, Judge Tailor, and Justice Theis on their recent appointments to Justice and Chief Justice, we are troubled by the Court’s failure to break the glass ceiling for our community by appointing a qualified Latino jurist to the Illinois Supreme Court.

Of the seven justices on the Court, none are Latino. This is despite the 18% growing Latino population in our state and the 26% in District 1 where this recent vacancy occurred. At the same time, there is only one Latino Appellate Court Justice serving in the Illinois Court System.

 We call on the Court to appoint a Latino to the upcoming vacancy resulting in Justice Cunningham’s ascension to the Supreme Court. It is imperative that our judiciary is reflective of the community it serves.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus was created to fight for the well-being and betterment of all Latino residents of Chicago. The Caucus includes 13 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chairman Gilbert Villegas (36) and Ald. Rossana Rodriguez (33), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza (10), Ald. George Cardenas (12), Ald. Michael Rodriguez (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Robert Maldonado (26), Ald. Ariel Reboyras (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), and Ald. Andre Vasquez (40). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus.

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The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Stands Ready to Defend Women’s Reproductive Rights with Overturn of Roe v. Wade

June 24, 2022

Today, the Republican-controlled Supreme Court has achieved the GOP’s goal of ripping away women’s right to make their own reproductive health decisions. The ruling makes reproductive rights uneven across the country and disproportionately affects women of low-income households, as well as women and people of color. More importantly, this ruling will result in the return of dangerous and life-threatening situations when people seek abortions but do not have access to the full repertoire of medical resources that may be necessary.

A woman’s right to choose to have a safe abortion has been at the heart of providing safe care to women for 50 years. In Illinois and Chicago, we are fortunate that there will be no change to continuing to provide women safe choices in their medical care but many vulnerable populations across the country cannot say the same.

The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus firmly believes in the case law set in place by Roe V. Wade case as fundamental for a woman’s reproductive freedom. It should be up to each individual to decide if they are ready to start a family, not the government. 

We urge Latinos everywhere to register to vote and stand up for the rights of women nationwide. Our strong collective voice and mobilization will defend Roe V. Wade and support candidates running for legislative positions to the legal right to safe abortion access. The Chicago City Council Latino Caucus will continue to work tirelessly to protect and advance reproductive freedom.

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Chicago City Council Latino Caucus Congratulates Andrea Sáenz as the New Interim President and CEO for The Chicago Community Trust

June 10, 2022

CHICAGO - On behalf of the Chicago City Council Latino Caucus, we commend The Chicago Community Trust (CCT) for appointing Andrea Sáenz as Interim President and CEO. Andrea Sáenz currently serves as Chief Operating Officer for CCT where she has shepherded its mission to close the racial and ethnic wealth gap in the Chicago region for over four years.

 “The decision to appoint Ms. Sáenz is a step in the right direction for appropriate Latino parity in top philanthropic leadership to reflect a city where nearly a third are Latino residents,” said Chairman of the Chicago Latino Caucus, Alderman Gilbert Villegas (36), “With Ms. Sáenz’s invaluable experience, we urge CCT to make this interim appointment permanent, as we know she will represent the needs of all Chicago communities in every decision and matter defended.”

 Previously, Andrea led strategy, program design, evaluation, and organizational development for Chicago Public Library, a system of more than 80 neighborhood branches. Before joining the Library, Andrea served as chief of staff to Chicago Public Schools CEO, policy advisor for the US Department of Education Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education, and executive director of HACE, a national non-profit working collaboratively with employers, universities, and schools to increase Latinx entry and success in professional careers. She began her social sector career leading community-based adult education and workforce development services at Congreso de Latinos Unidos in Philadelphia.

 The City Council Latino Caucus includes 13 members from across the city. They represent wards as diverse as Chicago itself. In addition to Chairman Gilbert Villegas (36), the Caucus membership includes: Ald. Daniel LaSpata (1), Ald. Susan Sadlowski Garza (10), Ald. George Cardenas (12), Ald. Michael Rodriguez (22), Ald. Silvana Tabares (23), Ald. Bryon Sigcho-Lopez (25), Ald. Robert Maldonado (26), Ald. Ariel Reboyras (30), Ald. Felix Cardona (31), Ald. Rossana Rodriguez (33), Ald. Carlos Ramirez-Rosa (35), and Ald. Andres Vazquez (40). Chicago’s Clerk Anna Valencia is an ex-officio member of the Latino Caucus.

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